Thursday, April 22, 2010

"He's" here!!

Welcome to the world Baby Phoenix!

10Lbs 2Oz - 4.590kg

Natural 45 minute drug free birth.

08.04.2010 - 9.45am

Will sit down and blog blog blog when i get a spare hour... LOADS to blog about!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today feels a little ..Eary!

So its Monday the 5th of April. 8 days until my due date and for some reason, it just feels odd.

We have a system with my family that hasn't skipped a beat in nearly 5 years. Unless someone is sick with something contagious my amazing parents take Miss .14 every Monday for the night and Master 4.9 every Tuesday for the night, as well as pick them up from school and day care and take them both to swimming lessons. They have done since 4.9 was 6 weeks old and .14 was 9 weeks old. We live about 5 minutes away from each other and it has always given me the quality one on one time needed for both kids. And it wont change when the next one comes along.

Although the starting time on when mum has #3 over night may be longer as I'm determined to breast feed. Mum has allowed me to have 6 children, she just wants 'One' night to her self to wash all the sheet.. Haha

(Even tho she has said by the time i get to #6, Master 4.5 probably wont want to stay any more which will then leave his night free for another.. Yes.. My mum adores my kids!)

She has everything the kids need at her house, Cot, bed, clothes, formula, bottle, bikes, toys.. everything!

Back to the 'eary-ness' .. Tonight could possibly be my LAST night in a long long time i get to have just Mr 4.9 (And Mr 25) in the house. Our last night of being able to hang out, watch home and away while laying in bed, and fall asleep together.. with no other children in the house. And the same with Miss .14 tomorrow night.

I also haven't been able to stop eating ALL day and i think it might be my body storing a good supply of foods. Ive had crackers and cheese and sandwiches and fruit, (Wizz Fizz..).. And for dinner last night i put so many veggies on my plate i didn't think i could possibly finish it! But i did!
(Even after miss .14 planted her food right in the middle, then splashed her hand all over it!.. Go on Mr 25.. Laugh out loud.. i can see you giggling..Grrr)

Its 1.45pm and all i can think about is dinner and passion fruit sorbet for desert! GAH!

Wednesday mid-morning Ive got to see the doctor to talk possible further induction.. He was so confident the Stretch and Sweep (Strip and Stretch) would work and i would be in that night having a baby.. 6 days later, bubby is still chillaxing!

I met with the female nurse last night in the maternity ward who did a speculum as alot of my plug has fallen away, which also never happened with the last 2 pregnancies. She did an internal to see if my waters were still in tact. Which they were but could see i have lost 90% of the mucus covering my bag of waters, and the head was well and truly 'down there' ! It all seems so so interesting! I was very tempted to ask if the could swing the mirror at the end of the bed open so i could have a look!
I probably would have passed out though!

Over night i felt No pains, Now tightenings, Nothing. Just the constant urge to pee!

I asked her what she thought they would look at doing on Wednesday and she explained because I'm approx 2-3cm possibly more, they would just break my waters and put me on a 'Drip' .. Now i don't know whats in this 'Drip' but i don't think its good, as she didn't want to go in to detail, and I'm way to scared to "google" it..
If anyone knows.. feel free to tell me.

Now, I do have a good feeling about the 7th tho, which will be Wednesday. So hopefully.. Tuesday night BEFORE induction, things get started and i wont even need to go to my appointment!

The number 7 means alot to mum and i - She is the 25th- 2+5=7 , I'm the 16th- 1+6 = 7 , Master 4.9 was born the 27th, Miss .14 was born the 17th.. So all i need is a 7 bub!
(Just a little piece of useless information for you all!)

Now, I know honestly my body i just not ready. I have both previous babies a day before there due date, Spontaneous, natural, no intervention, very straight forward and fast births. So as far as i can tell, my body is wanting to do that again. But it doesn't understand the circumstances are different this time. My insides aren't coping. My iron is draining day by day and I'm getting weaker and weaker and when the doctor See's I'm still carring this bub hes not going to be happy.

I lost a fair bit of blood with Miss .14 as she was a big bub (Over 10lbs) and with labour being so fast i did score a 2nd degree tear. They said if i lose half the blood i did with her, ill need a transfusion. So Wednesday (if i make it) , we will know whats happening!

Ok, enough rambleing.. im off... i have a list of things to do.. I'm very much still in nesting mode and HAVE to get things done before I'm out of action.

So i better get to it, and hope this odd feeling wears off.

x N

Friday, April 2, 2010


A quick congrats to my awesome brother and his best mate (My un-official adopted brother) for a gutsy 12,000 foot jump out of a perfectly working aeroplane this morning!

He celebrated his 18th Birthday on April 1st and while hes home for the holidays he hired a unit in surfers and sky dived!

Happy birthday little brother. Watching your jump was amazing!

x N

The controversial facebook status..

Circumcision.. Yep I said 'That' word! The word that send most women (And the occasional man) in to a head swirling spin!.. Or is that just me?

A bit of back ground.. Master 4.5 (Previous relationship) is NOT circumcised. For many reasons. I checked him out from head to toe when i first gave birth to this little pink buddle of perfectness and along with everything else, his penis was in A1 condition.. He’s ears, eyes, button nose and tubby legs. He had all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. 10/10 in my opinion.

While trying for children I realised raising them to be self reliant adults was not going to be easy, but I was prepared. It starts with teaching them manners ' Peeease and Tah' then it’s on to the harder stuff like bathing, brushing their teeth, putting rubbish in the trash, wiping there bum and in Master 4.5's case, Cleaning his foreskin. All of the above, not an issue in this house. He is a well mannered, well groomed smart little man that will yell from the shower every night "MUM.. I don’t have an erection!" ... yes... I said Erection. My reply "Infection honey.. Do you have an INFECTION?"

So we’ve got to get a few things ironed out, but since he was 2, master 4.5 has known to clean his foreskin.

While pregnant with Miss .14, her father (Current partner, different father to 4.5) and I would have many discussions on the "pros and cons" of circumcising. I am 150% against.. I would say he is..Maybe... 97.5% for it. I’m ALOT more stern on the fact I DO NOT want it done, then he is for wanting it done.

I must say, I breathed the longest sigh of relief when I heard the words 'Meet your baby daughter'

#3 is due in 10 days. And if I know my body as well as I do, it’s any day now.
So tonight I put it out there. If #3 is a boy, I am not ok with circumcision.

Let’s just say our house was a little rough for a few hours (and still slightly is). Not in a bad way.. Just in a way where we should have been on separate benches with a middle man.

I updated my Face book status with -

" WARNING- Controversial status... Were having a ‘Disagreement’.. "IF" this baby is a boy, Mr 25 is pro-circumcision ... I am totally against. How the heck are we going to solve this! ... I think I’m just going to move out. Advice anyone? Would it be deemed legally 'ok' to run away with the kids... so it can’t be done??"

And had some great 'For and against' replies..

A- Leave the poor doodle alone unless it necessary I say... Tell Mr 25 he has to slam his doodle between two bricks to sympathise with the bubbas pain and pray to god it’s got girl bits.

A- Leave it be! Stand your ground.

S- I don't think most hospitals will do it now unless there's a good medical reason or you're Muslim.
Ask you middy. Bet she says they won't do it!

D- Only certain peads will do it
and most of the time only for a medical or religious reason.

S- Google how they do it and show him. i think he'll change his mind.

J- Show him this website Made me decide to NEVER circumsize my son after seeing that website.

S- And as for it being 'pain free' what a load of horse shit. The neighbours kid screamed for days after his so did the twins. Just coz you cant remember it Doesnt mean it didnt hurt.

H- i know ur against it and please dont take this the wrong way but theres kind of a old mothers tale/rule what ever the father is thats what his son should be... sorry .

R- no need for it! and true most docs wont do it now hence the reason its not needed. for those who say it dont hurt.. u tube it and see how much it hurts!!! they have heaps about it and just the needle alone hurts them, an even then they still feel the pain.. it is not nesseary if you can clean your elbow they can clean thier foreskin...also it can turn out for the worst and have permanent damage for ever and for wat jus so he kite look like someone else????? i wouldnt.

J- Over here in NZ even you have to really dig around to get it done and even the midwives are against it, I never got my son done and his father is against it too after seeing its not needed and what they do to the child.

D- well i would get my son done if i could find one as his foreskin is tight and the drs said he would be ok but might get infections and try teaching an autistic kid how to clean a forskin might be an issue but i cant now as there isnt any drs in wa that still do them spose time will tell.

C- If i burned my son with a hot iron he wouldn't remember it either, but I wouldn't do it because like circumcision , a) It's cruel and b) it is not necessary.

What if my husband lost a thumb? Should I cut off all of my sons thumb to look like dad?

There are THOUSANDS of nerve endings in the foreskin that he will use for sexual pleasure when he is older. Sure you think "but I don't use mine and I have sexual pleasure just fine" that is because you have no clue what you are missing....

His foreskin will PROTECTS the urinary opening and despite popular belief, helps aid in stopping things like UTI and stuff.

It also aids in lubrication, less friction and sexual pleasure since the most sensitive part of the penis is the foreskin.

Mother rule/tale is a crock of shit.

Watch the video Mr 25... Seriously and seriously consider what you would be removing from him. It isn't yours to take.

C- Im shocked my husband was and still is pro circumsision but I wouldnt agree we now have 3 kids all boys eldest is 8 and not one is done!
Just say no and dont let it happen.
And the excuse if the dad is done the kid should be what BS.... That is the dumbest reason i have ever heard

C- Oh, if you think it's ok to do a boy, line little Miss .14 up too. Because what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

B- I'm Due in less then a week *figerss crossed* He decides to come on time and not late.
I didnt even think about this topic till my foster Mum asked me so i came home and ask my Partner what he thought. He said we should leave it for our child to decide if he wants to get it done or not, I thought thats a good idea cos i didnt know exactly what ... See Morehappens so i did look it up, It looked Horrible! Poor little Babies.
My partner hasnt had this done he has had no problems what so ever.
Hope you can figure this one out. I would say not to but thats me. Good Luck!

J- Id stand your grand. My hubby is circ and when we found out that jack was a boy he said he didn’t want him circ, so our boys are all natural.

D- well, this issue certainly generated a lot of comments... some very valid points raised - have to agree with the argument that "like father like son" is weak especially when Master 4.5 is not done. Both my boys were not circumcised with virtually no problems experienced - some brands of soap were a bit too harsh for them. However my nephew was not done either and due to complications of many serious infections it was decided he would be at age 8 - very painful for him and it took some time to heal. I also remember when D was in special care nursery for jaundice there was a new born boy who was done and he had contracted a very serious infection and my god did he look ill - all for a circumcision.

R- Ok...just thought I would add my two cents in too. I have two boys and one husband. Husband is circumcised and my boys are not. Not ONCE has one of my boys ever asked why their penis does not look the same as their dads.Also. my eldest son has had two little infections when he was younger and i took him to see a specialist about whether i should get him done...specialist said no...there was no medical reason for it at all....(he was even jewish!!). he has not had any further probs. i know its a touchy subject and everyone has an opinion on it, and at the end of the day, its up to you both.little girls in parts of africa are circumcised...and their mothers are too...does it make it right???? good luck in your decision!!

R- we got T done one week old. We got it done across the road from the Hospital as the hospitals themselves won't do it. I understand your point if view, but hubby got a bad infection at 8 and got it done then and was so painful. They put numbing cream on T 2 hours prior, then he had him in there for less then 5 mins. Don't know if he cried in there but was fine when he came out. It took 2 weeks for the ring to fall off and I put cream on everyday. It looked red and swollen but it didn't bother him at all. Be aware it costs approx $550! But either way good luck with your decision, T wasn't bothered and I don't regret it :-)

A-Stay strong!
More important for him to just look like 'him' :) Than, Daddy. No offense to your Man.
A foreskin shouldn't be removed for insubstantial reasons.
(What’s fashionable, cultural, traditional etc).
It's never removing just a foreskin anyway, it's taking away so much from a penis that is absolutely, physiologically necessary.
Little boys, especially! Need their foreskins to protect the glands of the penis.
Leave little boys intact, leave them with what they were biologically designed to have. Give them their divine right to have a say in their 'bits'.
I understand young boys/adult males, can have problems with infection occurring. Cross that bridge when need be.
Just because a baby can't express their concerns doesn't give us a right to inflict such pain. Circumcision is only ever necessary, when deemed medically necessary.
Appendix can explode and the toxins can kill you within the hour... Yet we don't remove an appendix at birth. In fact, the statistic of an appendix burst is probably just about as equal as the statistic of an infected foreskin and the failure to treat it.
Infected Ear, kidney, bladder being far more common. You might say, "Yeah, but we need those to function".
Well, our Men need their foreskins too. Removing them is just forcing them to adapt without it.

Heck, what's the statistic for a girl getting Thrush or other infections of the genitalia? It's certainly high. So high that in fact we have a handful of advertisements dedicated to the awareness of treatment and control. We don't promote female circumcision based on that incredibly high infection rate so why should we for Men?
If Male foreskin infections were THAT big of an issue within our modern day man, don't you think we'd know about it..?

Thankfully the percentage of Circ Men vs Intact Men has come down significantly within the last decade. I think it's resting somewhere around the 20% range, nationally speaking, compared to 50% + which was a decade ago.
Finally, Australia is realizing how unnecessary it is.

J- I know so many boys/men that never had it done they were all shown how to clean it but still get infections. You will get an infection at least once. It’s not nice trust me.
Jordan isn’t done and that was only because the stupid doctor wouldn’t give us the referral for it and after having a fight and seeing another doctor he was too old by one bloody wk.
We are still getting him done not for the reason as oh it looks better but as a health reason.
everyone has their own judgment on people that get it done, which is just plain and simple rude every mother and father have a right to choose what they think is the best thing for their son without getting the nose in the air and told oh no that’s not right oh that’s wrong.
does that mean ivf shouldnt be allowed because thats not a natural conception? no because those people have a right to have a family and be happy with out people judging them
same with circumcision. dont judge people.
Hubby is with Mr 25, the same as you like father like son. Our son will hit and age where he will be why am i different than you daddy why arnt i the same.
so im backing.
but in the end your his mum to so you get a say as well.
try not to fight over it. things happen for a reason. Decide when (he) is born. no use fighting over it now if he is a she or do you know she is a he? lol

R-health issues from not doin it are the same if you dont brush your teeth you with get infecdtions in your mouth derrr. its a matter of keeping it clean... its not hard people!! nic im totally with you on the whole bath thing. and god if their is gonna be surgery just for wat it looks like ohh heck!

J- like i said every parent thinks different. dads thats arnt done dont want there son to be done. not FACT but most. just like dad's that are done want there son to be done. now i dont see anything wrong with a father and son being the same either way.
im not saying keeping it on will result in getting alot of infections buts it is FACT that boy's and men get more infections if they still have the foreskin. FACT!
so R let me guess if you (have) a son or will have a son he wont be done... most prob your (hubby/boyfriend) isnt done.
men will be men like father like son.
just like most women out there get their daughters ears pierced because they did
not a bad thing but there right as a parent to make that choice!

R- Wow crazy opinions!!! I don't feel it's wrong or bad, my son didn't cry it didn't bother him and I sleep at night just fine. Everyone is getting very passionate about this topic which is ok, but there is alot of slamming of it being done, everyone has a right to make their own decisions and shouldn't be made to feel bad just coz they chose to get it done.

B- Wooooo look at your status go! lol. ;) Hubby is done but our soon to be born son will not be. :) We both do not see it as necessary anymore with the information available to us now. Just because it was done before, doesn't mean you have to continue the tradition.

SO.. They were just SOME replies.. i think there’s close to 70 now.. Here are a couple of my replies and sorry to those who i may offend, but as i stated, Its something im totally passionate about.

- If 'he' needed it done at 5 or 8 yrs old then it would be more of a medical reason to have it done, and they would do it a different way to what they would when he is a new born.
You don’t seen people getting their ears chopped off at a young age simply to avoid ear infections..

Maby everyone should have their teeth removed so we don’t get tooth aches..
Sorry! I’m so so against it..

AND 'why' should it matter about 'looks'.. What if Mr 25 had one arm? Or was born with facial deformities.. Should the baby then be like its father?
What difference is it going to make to their relationship?
And if its all about looks, that it has to look the same, then that’s a crock, because i don’t think Miss .14 have EVER seen Mr 25's bits, and the baby would bath more with 4.5 then her dad.. And 4.5, obviously, is NOT done. He would be more curious as to why his brothers looks different..

It’s exactly what you said its an 'old wives tale'

So, that was about 3 hours ago and its still going. I know at the end of the day its something only Mr 25 and i will decide, BUT it has been good knowing others opinions and experiences.

25, has now resorted to the couch with a block of chocolate and the Wii, refusing to talk to me.. So id better head over there and try talk this out before bed.

Look forward to more experiences if you would like to leave a comment!

x N

I couldnt have said it better myself..

I often wonder if my blog actually 'hits a spot' with readers.. Not that it really matters.. My blog is "My" outlet.. "My" time and "My" thoughts.. I follow a ton of other blogs and when i came across this one tonight.. she took the words right out of my mouth!

I don't know and have never met Chantelle, but visit her blog frequently.. Seems we think along the same line too!

My camera is never out of reach, I capture the most random moments because i know i will never see them again, The note pad in my phone has the most odd 'part' messages about foods i want to cook and things i need to talk about. Ive banned myself from having net access on it. If i did, i might as well glue it to my palm. I have an itouch which i can use to check comments and write small replies, but thank goodness it takes far to long to type a blog entry on!

I only know the very very basics of blogging, and if there was a class on how to use blog spot, i would book in straight away.. Actually, right now.. I'm going to learn the features of blog spot!

So there. I blog because its for me. May not be for everyone, but i LOVE it.
